Thinking of listing? Here is the information you need.Every day locals, bach owners and visitors to Akaroa phone or call into Arkwright's looking for advice or assistance of some sort. It became clear that Akaroa was in need of an up to date local online directory for people to search for service providers and local information. Thus was born and now gets hundreds of views each week and has become a go to for our local population
As the costs and of hosting and curating this site have increased dramatically over the years, we now charge for ALL Business listings. Pricing represents incredibly good value for such highly targeted listings. (Non business listings continue to be Free). You can also write a detailed explanation of the service (s) you provide which is searchable by Google, if you search for almost any Akaroa service provider on google you will see right there! Listing Pricing OPTION ONE Single Category Listing with contact details $20 per year (Accommodation providers includes a map) OPTION TWO Single Category Listing with Logo and contact details $30 per year OPTION THREE Single Category Listing with Logo contact details and Priority positioning $50 per year (Priority listings stand out and are listed at or near the top of the category) OPTION FOUR Category Sponsorship, this locks you in at the top of the category for 12 months with logo and all business details and the category is "Brought to you by" (Your business). There is only one sponsorship available per category per year so this is a great way to get your business seen first! $200 per year If your business contact information changes please let me know. Jamie Stewart Arkwright's Emporium 58 Rue Lavaud, Akaroa 03 304 7007 |